Unveil How PicsMatic Assisted an Italian eCommerce giant with professional photo editing services
ecommerce product beforeBefore
ecommerce product afterAfter
Our Case study
The Client

A leading eCommerce store dealing in luxury international clothing and accessories

Founded in 2010, this real estate photography company works with property owners, agencies, brokers, and realtors. It is responsible for capturing & editing property photos and delivering visuals that can drive buyer engagement and sales online.

Project Requirements

Bulk photo editing services for premium brands with quick TAT

Our client approached us for editing their eCommerce catalog images. They wanted tailored eCommerce photo editing services for their clothing, accessories, bags, and footwear section. The client laid down specific editing guidelines for every product type. We analyzed the client brief to edit the images without losing out on the original appeal, style, size, and fitting of the products.

Our Case study
Project Challenges

Adapting to subjective client preferences and managing heavy workloads

Our client has precise quality guidelines for editing their large-volume property images, requiring flawless, realistic edits with meticulous detail. While this large-scale photo editing project now operates seamlessly, our team overcame key hurdles in the beginning and evolving stages, including-

Managing image volume fluctuations

The incoming image batches were very different in size, ranging wildly from 5,000 to 20,000+ per month. We needed to dynamically assign the editing task to our editors, depending on the image batch size, on a daily basis.

Stringent turnaround time

Each batch had varying image volumes but a 24-48 hour turnaround requirement. We needed streamlined processes to efficiently address editing needs

Encounter with a new proprietary portal in Italian language

The incoming image batches were very different in size, ranging wildly from 5,000 to 20,000+ per month. We needed to dynamically assign the editing task to our editors, depending on the image batch size, on a daily basis.

Separate editing guidelines for each product category

The client provided different yet extensive editing and retouching guidelines for each image category. Our team had to adapt to those guidelines in a short time.

Our Workflow

Keeping brand identity intact while adhering to specific photo editing requirements

The client had precise requirements related to background removal, color correction, and product alignment, for each image. To adhere to those while ensuring consistency across their catalog, we implemented a comprehensive workflow tailored to their unique demands.

Reduced turnaround time

Receiving images and editing instructions

The client’s photography team uploaded the images on the client’s portal. Each image batch had different numbers of images along with editing guidelines across all four categories.

Reduced turnaround time

Downloading images for editing

The client’s proprietary platform had a limitation wherein our team could only download 20-50 photos at a time for editing. We downloaded and created small image batches while keeping all the categories separated.

Reduced turnaround time

Fashion image editing

Using the received guidelines, our team edited, color-corrected, and retouched all images. We used leading industry software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, and Pixlr to preserve the original photo quality.

Reduced turnaround time

Uploading edited images

We enhanced and retouched the photos within 24 to 48 hours, created separate folders for each batch as required by the client, and uploaded the final images in their specific categories into the client’s portal.

Reduced turnaround time

Email communications

We exchanged updates via email on client expectations, real-time changes, and concerns. To ensure alignment, we sought regular confirmation indicating successful acceptance after each batch delivery.

Project Outcomes

Increase in conversion rate

Increase in conversion rate: The clear and enhanced product images drove more sales and increased conversions for the client by 20%.

Reduced turnaround time

Reduced turnaround time: Delivering huge batches in 24-48 hours doubled our client's image upload speed. They could refresh their catalog and website content faster.

High image volume handling

High image volume handling: We successfully delivered 5,000 to 20,000+ photos every month. This helped our client keep their product listings relevant and sell more during peak seasons.

Increased competitive edge

Increased competitive edge: Fixing technical issues like blur, focus, and sharpness during editing made our client's images stand out. Their images looked sharper and more attractive than competitors.

Product photo editing- After

Client Testimonials

PicsMatic proved to be the perfect partner for our bulk photo editing needs. Despite the subjective nature of our preferences and the fluctuating image volumes, they adapted to our requirements and ensured quick TAT, even with batches of 20K images per month. Their attention to detail and adherence to our specific editing guidelines resulted in clear, enhanced product images that increased our conversion rates by 20%.

Jhon Deo

VP, eCommerce

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